Superstitions, Bad Habits
Supposedly, I am the logical, rational, and liberal partner in our marriage. I always make sure that my wife knows and remembers this fact. What she does not know is this I have my own set of superstitions. I do take care not to let her find out these so that I can feel superior :-)
- When getting up in the morning, I put my right foot down first. Even when I swing both legs off the bed, the right foot has to touch the floor first, or I am looking at a ruined day.
- Whenever I step on anything that has something written on it (it could be a piece of newspaper that someone had used for wrapping up shit), I have to touch the paper and touch my forehead. I have to ask forgiveness for touching the letters with my foot.
- Like anyone else, I have my favorite clothes. If I am wearing them, well, "Give me but one firm spot on which to stand, and I will move the earth." If I am wearing something new, and I keep getting bummers on that day, irrespective of the price, those clothes are abandoned to the darkest corners of my wardrobe, their temporary resting place before being thrown out.
- When I am traveling, I am extremely hesitant to announce my expected arrival time at the destination. When I am forced to say that, I cloak it in a series of "probably"s, and "most likely"s. When we fly, this is a major cause of friction between me and wife. She keeps on asking me about when we are going to land, and I keep on telling her to ask the pilot or the stewardess -- even though I know the ETA pretty much to the nearest quarter-hour. When I travel alone, as far as possible, I turn up unannounced at the destination.
- When taking a shower (alone), I have to be naked, bare naked. Not even my wedding band stays.